Page 10 - Company_Profile
P. 10

The applica1ons and the processes

                  The applica/on sectors of SERECO products are manifold and cover all the treatment phases and
                  every process of water treatment.
                  Design our products, test them, improve them and update them con/nuously is the company’s core
                  business. This is what the company devotes its best energies and its own strategic direc/on.

                       The applica1ons

                  Water treatment, wastewater treatment, municipal and industrial wastewater treatment, sludge
                  treatment, water intake from rivers, dams, odor control units,etc.

                        The processes

                  Ac/vated sludge, bio-filtra/on, MBR, MBBR, SBR, pure oxygen ac/vated sludge process, sludge
                  thickening, sludge dewatering, biological removal of ammonium and nitrates, biological removal of
                  phosphorous, filtra/on, chemical disinfec/on, floccula/on, clarifica/on, anaerobic processes,
                  aerobic processes by means of reu/liza/on of CO 2 to produce methane, etc.
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